A poem about living ‘Here’

Murrayburn Primary School pupils attended writing workshops led by renowned poet Colin McGuire

Entitled ‘Here’, all of the pupils in the class contributed to the poem which explored their sense of their home area.

As part of an initiative between Parabola and Push The Boat Out (PTBO), Edinburgh’s International Poetry Festival, a class of pupils from Murrayburn Primary School attended writing workshops led by renowned poet Colin McGuire and created a poem for display on marketing hoardings at Edinburgh Park.


Living here is like the sky roaring
while an astronaut lands on the moon
and clouds make shapes.

Living here is a delicious, layered cake
with lots of different ingredients
that make it taste sweet.

Living here is an ice-cream in summer
that gives you an ice-cream smile
and dribbles through your fingers.

Living here is just right.
It’s more than money,
better than buildings.

Living here is the centre of our universe,
a solar explosion of cheerfulness.
It is a flying miracle.

A poem about living ‘Here’
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